Juno is a New Frontiers-class mission with a launch planned for August 2011. Following an Earth gravity assist in October 2013, Juno will arrive at Jupiter in August 2016. Juno will then perform a 14-month orbital mission at Jupiter before plummeting into the giant planet's atmosphere in October 2017. The Juno mission is designed to investigate the internal structure and upper atmosphere of Jupiter and the magnetic and radiation environments near Jupiter with the goal of learning more about the origins of the gas giants. Juno will accomplish this through the use of six science experiments: Microwave Radiometer (MWR), the Jupiter Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM), the Magnetic Field Investigation, Polar Magnetosphere Suite, Gravity Science Experiment, and JunoCAM.

So what types of science could Juno perform at Io? There are three imagers on Juno: JunoCAM, JIRAM, and the Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS). These instruments are designed to be used near perijove and to be pointed at Jupiter. JunoCAM is a visible light, 3-color imager that will take images of Jupiter mostly for PR purposes. The camera will have a resolution of approximately 4 km from a distance of 5000 km. JIRAM is an infrared spectrometer designed to observe Jupiter's aurorae and atmosphere with spectroscopy between 2-5 microns and imaging at 3.4 microns. UVS will perform similar observations at ultraviolet wavelengths.

So, with such low resolutions for these cameras, what could Juno do at Io? I think JunoCAM would not be very useful at Io except for some neat shots of Jupiter rising above Jupiter, for example. The pixel scale is just too low otherwise to be useful. JIRAM could be very useful for temporal monitoring of Io's volcanic activity by observing Io either near closest approach or when Io enters eclipse. JIRAM seems to be capable of imaging Io at 75-100 km/pixel during most perijoves, which is equivalent to Galileo NIMS's better global observations. Now, whether Juno will observe Io with JIRAM is another question though, given how jam packed perijove will be with Jupiter science observations. The resolution for JIRAM will be sufficient for this kind of study though.
It seems it might be useful for long term change monitoring of the visible regions (given that this is very different from an HST-like angle) but little else. This would definitely be true if it JunoCam manages to survive until the July and September 2017 encounters.