For her PhD dissertation, co-author Jani Radebaugh created a database of paterae back in 2003 and 2004 based on measurements from Galileo and Voyager images, along with parallel MySQL databases of thermal hotspots and mountains. I still remember the pizza involved, yes, even 7±1 years later... The measurements of the length and area for this database were made assuming that these patera were ellipses, however many paterae as you can see in the image above have complex shapes. For example, Yaw Patera is shaped like a gasoline nozzle, as seen in the I27 CAMAXT01 mosaic where Yaw is the dark patera in the lower right corner. Now, one of her students, Brandon Barth, has measured 426 paterae (minus 30 or so in the polar regions still to be measured in time for the poster session) using ArcGIS™. This allowed Barth and the other co-authors to calculate the size and areas of these oddly-shaped volcanoes more accurately as they are able to mark the boundaries of the patera and ArcGIS does the work in calculating the area of the marked region.
From these measurements, the average effective diameter for paterae on Io is 56.8 kilometers. Effective diameter is the size of a circle with the same area as the paterae, which aids in comparing the sizes of paterae to one another by normalizing them. The average effective diameter found is quite a bit larger than Radebaugh et al. 2001, where it was found to be 41 km. The authors attribute this discrepancy to the measurement techniques mentioned above employed in the different works. This new method ensures that the entire volcano is captured in the area measurement.
The authors looked at how the size-distribution of all paterae and active paterae (those with at least some dark material on their floors) varies across Io's surface. They determined that the anti- and sub-Jupiter quadrants of Io have more paterae than the leading and trailing quadrants. They define these quadrants as the 90 degrees of longitude surrounding the sub-Jupiter (0°W), anti-Jupiter (180°W), leading (90°W), and trailing (270°W) points. However, they also found that the average effective diameter for the leading and trailing quadrants was larger (63.5 km) than those found on the anti- and sub-Jupiter quadrants (52 km). A similar trend was seen in active paterae, with active paterae being larger than inactive ones on the trailing and leading quadrants and vice versa for the sub- and anti-Jupiter quadrants. This distribution may have consequences for how Io's releases its heat since paterae are the dominant contributor to Io's total heat flow.

This isn't meant as a criticism of their work. Their methodology is sound; using ArcGIS is an excellent way to measure areas of irregular surface features. Every day conclusions are made from less than ideal data; science doesn't stop just because the effective resolution of a basemap isn't uniform. You make do with what you have and just attempt to remain humble when in future years better images are acquired and your conclusions have to be changed. Look at Titan - a world full of less than ideal data. When a cryovolcano turns into just another patch of bright material surrounded by dunes, you suck it up and move on. But you don't let methane windows, low spatial resolution data, or ambiguous terrain stop you from making interpretations and measurements.
Link: Distribution and Comparison of Io's Paterae: Areas, Effective Diameters, and Active Volcanism [www.lpi.usra.edu]
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