With the second birthday for The Gish Bar Times coming up on Thursday, I want to go ahead and announce the blog's new URL: http://gishbartimes.org. The old Blogspot URL will remain active, just redirecting you to the new site so you should never have any problems accessing the site or finding information on this site using Google. Hopefully, people will find it easier to reach this blog by using this url.
Again, you don't need to do anything if you subscribe to the blog's RSS feed, subscribe via Google Reader, or have this site bookmarked, but certainly I would recommend changing to this new url if you like. It looks like there are a few elements on the site that no longer work on the old gishbar.blogspot.com url, like some of the sidebar elements, like the ability to send a page to one of the social network sites like Digg or Facebook or Google Friend Connect. I also had to recreate my blogroll. For whatever reason, my ability to quick edit a post is gone with these custom urls.
Anyways, excuse the mess while we go through this transition to the new URL. Also allows a couple of days for the new URL to work its way through everyone's DNS listings.
Trump’s Real Inaugural Address
5 hours ago
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